
  • The Spirit of Faith

    The Spirit of Faith

    September 1, 2016

    If you were to ask several Christians what faith is, you would probably hear responses like trust, confidence, assurance, or belief. All of these are true, but according to the Bible, there is more to faith than those words convey. […]

  • Prevailing Over Problems

    Prevailing Over Problems

    September 1, 2015

    Everyone faces problems in life. If you do not deal with them right away, even small problems can grow into giants with the potential to rule over you. They may not look as menacing as physical giants, but they are […]

  • An Enduring Faith

    An Enduring Faith

    July 1, 2015

    Everyone has faith. You have faith that the lights will come on when you flick the switch, and when you turn the door knob, you have faith that the door is going to open. Christians and non-Christians alike have that […]

  • Never Give Up!

    Never Give Up!

    January 1, 2015

    Why does God allow hardship, injustice and adversity? Even Christians sometimes struggle with this question. While we may not always understand the “why,” the Bible shows us how we can build a strong faith in God and know that He […]

  • Nothing But the Blood

    Nothing But the Blood

    September 7, 2012

    Some people consider the blood of Jesus to be nothing more than a metaphor and think that it has little or nothing to do with us today. That couldn’t be further from the truth. You need to know that salvation […]

  • Is God Listening?

    Is God Listening?

    September 1, 2012

    We all know people who seem to have a hotline to God. Every prayer they pray seems to get answered. Still, many others are left wondering if God even hears them when they pray. How about you? Do you pray? […]

  • Recovering What You Lost

    Recovering What You Lost

    January 3, 2012

    Most of us have areas in our lives where we need a breakthrough. Maybe you feel like you are just spinning your wheels or that, no matter what you do, nothing seems to work out right. If so, please read […]

  • You Can Walk By Faith

    You Can Walk By Faith

    March 20, 2009

    Seeing is believing, right? WRONG. Most people live based on what they see – they walk by sight. I believe that’s why the Lord originally prompted us to begin a television ministry. Think about this:  Have you ever tried to walk […]

  • Who I Am In Christ

    Who I Am In Christ

    March 20, 2008

    I want to start out by saying that I am not the author of this article. God put it on the heart of a woman in our congregation to put these scriptures together to help people realize who they are […]