November 1, 2014
God does not want you to live in a state of fear. However, we live in a day where terrorism, epidemics, natural disasters and other catastrophic events threaten to steal our sense of security. The Bible tells us that the […]
July 1, 2014
Many people go through life like they are driving down the highway looking in the rear view mirror. They are so focused on what is behind them that they end up crashing. Because they haven’t dealt with past hurts, disappointments […]
March 1, 2013
One of the biggest problems people face is discouragement. This is even true when it comes to spiritual things. We have a tendency to think that everything should happen more quickly than it sometimes does. We pray and wait…and wait […]
September 1, 2012
We all know people who seem to have a hotline to God. Every prayer they pray seems to get answered. Still, many others are left wondering if God even hears them when they pray. How about you? Do you pray? […]
July 20, 2012
Many sincere people go through life looking for some book, CD or conference that will instantly and effortlessly turn them into mature Christians. But it doesn’t work that way. While we live in an age of “instant this” and “microwaved […]
March 1, 2012
God is able to take care of every problem you bring to Him. Whatever you are facing may be big to you, but nothing is impossible for Him! Most people have no trouble going to God when there is nowhere […]
January 3, 2012
Most of us have areas in our lives where we need a breakthrough. Maybe you feel like you are just spinning your wheels or that, no matter what you do, nothing seems to work out right. If so, please read […]
November 1, 2011
Some people are not too concerned about the devil because they think he is in hell. He is not! In the first chapter of Job, when God asked Satan where he had been, he answered, “I have been walking to […]
July 1, 2010
You have an enemy. While he might not be visible through natural eyes, Satan, or the devil as he is known, is very real. He is not an imaginary, mythical character, but a spirit being whose number one goal is […]