You Are Not Forgotten

Duane Vander Klok

“For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.” Ephesians 2:10

Before David was ever the King over Israel, he was a nobody. He was a shepherd who tended to the sheep and flocks of his father. In fact, when the prophet Samuel came to anoint one of the son’s of Jesse as king, his own father didn’t think it worthwhile to bring him in from the fields until his other sons were not chosen. Yet even after being anointed, he was sent back into the field to take care of the sheep. He was the God-appointed and God-anointed heir to the Kingdom of Israel, but even then he was forgotten, pushed to the margins, and undervalued.

So often we can feel like that. God gave us all special talents, gifting, and passions that will further His Kingdom on earth. Even more, we are called co-heirs to the Kingdom of heaven! Yet so often, the enemy pushes our thoughts and minds to the margins. We feel forgotten, marginalized, and undervalued.

The good news is that God has not forgotten us, just as He did not forget about David. The wilderness and tending to the flock in the field was where David learned to become a leader. When no one was watching, he became the man he was meant to be. He entered into an intimate relationship with God that shaped his entire future. It was a place of preparation for what was coming next.

Wherever God has you right now, let’s ask for Him to refine us, prepare us, and make us wholly dependent upon Him for the next season. Just as David was once left out in the field to humbly prepare, it only took one day, one moment, and one stone to change everything.

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