Who Am I?

Duane Vander Klok

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.
2 Corinthians 5:17 (ESV)

Have you ever read a part of the Bible that you have read a thousand times, and all of the sudden it begins to take on a new light? The words begin to pop off the page, and you are able to apply them to your life in new ways? When we read scriptures, they are actually reading us. They are looking deep inside of our souls and refining, convicting, and encouraging us through all situations of life.

Beyond that, the Bible is like a mirror. When you look into that mirror you begin to see yourself as God sees you. You see who you really are, what you really have, and you discover your identity in Him. When you give your life to Christ, the old self dies and you become a new creation in Him. Where you learn about this new creation that you’ve become is only found in His Word.

The problem is that we sometimes forget. We live in a broken and fallen world, and we can forget and lose focus on who we are in Him. The world continually tries to identify, categorize, and classify who you are apart from God. We are called to not look back, and to turn away from our past. We are called to look forward, to follow His call, and walk every single day as a new creation in Him.

This week, let’s look forward as new creations in Him. Let’s ask for Him to speak through His Word, and tell us who we truly are in Him.

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