What’s the Purpose?

Duane Vander Klok

“For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.” Ephesians 2:10

Have you ever been reading through Scripture, and thought, “I wish I was there” or, “It would be amazing to walk with Jesus through the events of the Gospel?” Sometimes we even think that God was more active and present in the Biblical stories than He is today. The problem is, this thought ignores what God is doing right here, right now, through each of us today. He had an Earthly ministry then, but through the Holy Spirit, He is actively moving and guiding us right now.

Scripture says that each of us was ‘fearfully and wonderfully made.’ We were all created with a purpose, passion, and plan to further His Kingdom on Earth. We are active participants in spreading the Gospel around the world, and the great news is that we are not alone! Scripture says that the Holy Spirit will be with us to lead, guide, and refine us on this journey.

The problem is that the Enemy is hard at work trying to derail us from His perfect plan. The Enemy tries to confuse us on our purpose and what we have been called to do in this life. You see, our sole purpose is to give glory to God, and our job or vocation can be anything in between. It’s all about turning our work around from a prideful and self-fulfilling venture, and into a form of worship that gives Him all the honor and glory.

Today, let’s look at our purpose not from a specific job or vocation, but instead as giving honor and glory to Him.

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