What Is God Calling Me To Do?

Duane Vander Klok

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”
Jeremiah 29:11

Sometimes we resist the will and the words of God. We hear Him speak within our hearts and minds, and more often than not, it’s a call to the uncomfortable. When God speaks to us and calls us to do something, it’s usually not what we would go off and do on our own. It’s the call to pray for a stranger at the gas station, pay for a stranger’s grocery bill at the store, or even give away your car to someone in need.

So often, when God speaks into our lives and nudges us to do something, we resist. We tend to push back and try to reason with Him. We say, “I don’t want to interrupt them,” or “I don’t want to offend them,” or “don’t you know my car is worth thousands of dollars?” Trust me, God knows all of that, yet even then He is stretching you and calling you to dig deeper into your faith.

To have faith in God means to have confidence in Him. He has a greater plan for our lives, and will never push us to a place that we cannot get through. Nothing is too big or scary for Him. To have faith in Him is saying, “I believe God is good, He has a plan, and I am placing my full confidence in Him.”

This week, let’s listen for what God is whispering into our hearts and minds. Let’s listen for the uncomfortable nudge to be a blessing in someone’s life. Not only listen, but prayerfully act and do what He is calling you to do.

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