What is ‘Faith’?

Duane Vander Klok

For in the Gospel the righteousness of God is revealed —a righteousness that is by faith from first to last, just as it is written: ‘The righteous will live by faith.’ Romans 1:17

When you read the verse from Romans, how do you read it? So often, we take these verses and read over them because we have read it, heard it, or have seen it stamped on a coffee mug a thousand times. The thing is that this verse is telling us so much more about our faith and relationship with Jesus Christ than the typical, “to be a good Christian, I must live by faith.”

What has happened over the last 250 years, particularly in Western cultures, Christianity has become a faith about when you die. Some believers gave their lives to Christ because they didn’t want to go to Hell when they die. This is a great reason to give your life to the Lord, but it is not where He wants us to remain. He doesn’t want us to give our lives to Him and then check the box on our ‘eternal to-do list.’

Instead, God wants us to LIVE by faith in His plan and purpose for everyone and everything. Yet even still, someone might ask, “what does that even mean?” Or “What does this word even mean?” Faith is unwavering and unquestioned confidence in Him. Faith is the confidence that even when things are going terribly wrong, and you are in the midst of ‘the valley of death’, God is present, loves you, is for you, and has a plan. When the Enemy places us into a valley, God meets us there and uses what the Enemy intended to destroy us, to instead build up our confidence in Him.

This week, let’s LIVE by faith in everything that we do, and ask for God to reveal Himself in every situation so that we may give praise and glory to Him.

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