The True Source

Duane Vander Klok

“I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.”
John 15:5

A plant can only grow and thrive when it is deeply rooted in the right soil. The soil is the source of nutrients and strength for the plant, and without it the plant would have no fruit, it’s leaves and flowers would wither, and it would die. But like the plants, God created us to be connected to a source. He is the vine and we are the branches – we can do nothing if we are not connected to Him. He is our Source!

We are designed to be connected to God and draw our strength from Him, but many people try to find their source in something else – a false vine. Some may think that television, alcohol, relationships, or even a job will fulfill them or ground them in a storm. But when the rains come, they will find that their false vine cannot protect or steady them. In John 15:1 He said, “I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener.” He is the true vine, and all others will be swept away. There is only one Source that will never fail.

We are living in hazardous times. And it is even more important to be connected to the one true Source when the winds are blowing and the rain is coming down. If our connection to our Source is weak, we will be blown away in the storms. But when we are deeply rooted in the Word and in our relationship with Him, we will not be moved by the wind or rain in our lives.

Plant yourself in God, and draw your strength from Him!

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