The Power of God’s Word

Duane Vander Klok

This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.
Joshua 1:8

The purpose of meditation is to get the Word of God in the inside of us. As believers, we want God’s Word so deep in our hearts so that it is constantly flowing out into our lives changing the way we see ourselves and others. When we get the Word into our hearts, it not only changes the way we think, but it affects our actions directly. We want His Word to become so alive on the inside that we become doers of the will of God!

In order to be doers of God’s Word, we must be able to honor it above all else. The world, our flesh, and the devil pull us away from God’s will, but as we meditate on the Word it becomes paramount in our lives. Your actions will follow the direction of your dominant thought.

So how can we meditate on the Word so that it is sown into our hearts? Keep the following steps in mind as you read. First, apply the Word to your life personally. You do not need to think about how your neighbor, spouse, or distant acquaintance needs to hear a verse to change their behavior. Instead, focus on how you can apply God’s instructions. Second, allow the Holy Spirit to make the Word a reality in your heart. Ask Him to renew your mind with truth as you read and study. Third, carefully ponder how scripture applies to your current situation. What is God speaking to you right now?

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