March 1, 2016
Are you rich? When asked that question, many people see dollar signs or take a quick inventory of the “stuff” they have accumulated. What comes to your mind? Do you think of cars, homes, jewelry, your savings account or a […]
January 1, 2016
Many people miss out on receiving the blessings God has planned for them simply because they do not put Him first. How about you? What – or who – is first in your life? “Firsts” are important to God. Remember, […]
September 1, 2015
Everyone faces problems in life. If you do not deal with them right away, even small problems can grow into giants with the potential to rule over you. They may not look as menacing as physical giants, but they are […]
January 1, 2015
Why does God allow hardship, injustice and adversity? Even Christians sometimes struggle with this question. While we may not always understand the “why,” the Bible shows us how we can build a strong faith in God and know that He […]
June 18, 2006
What would you ask for if you knew God would give you anything you wanted? Would you request money, a long life, or some kind of prominent position? When God appeared to Solomon and allowed him to ask for whatever […]
September 20, 2003
Do the palms of your hands begin to sweat or does your stomach start to feel queasy whenever April 15 is mentioned? If so, it could be that you are among the millions of Americans who will be hurrying to […]
September 20, 2003
Most of the people found in the Bible are mentioned because of what they did. In God’s “Hall of Faith” (Hebrews 11), there is Moses who by faith forsook Egypt and delivered his people. There is Joshua who by faith […]