Welcoming The Holy Spirit

The Counselor (Welcoming the Holy Spirit, pt 2)

In this message, Pastor Duane takes us more in depth into how the Holy Spirit works through us and in us when we put our faith in the blood of Jesus. Solomon, the wisest person to ever live, says that we should seek advise, or counsel, in all things. When we pray, asking God for wisdom in any situation, the Holy Spirit, the Counselor, knows exactly what we need and, the Bible tells us, will give wisdom “liberally and will not withhold”.

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The Helper (Welcoming the Holy Spirit, pt 1)

The Bible tells us that Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to “guide you in all truth”. In this first message, titled The Helper, from Pastor Duane’s series Welcoming the Holy Spirit find out just what it means to be lead by the Holy Spirit, and how He will keep you from being defeated by the devil.

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