The Perfect Lamb

Faith (The Perfect Lamb, pt 2)

The faith that you had when you started your Christian life is not enough to get you everywhere God wants you to go. Your faith needs to grow in order to fulfill God’s plan and God’s purpose in your life. In this message Pastor Duane explains how to keep your faith from becoming stagnant, whether you are new to the faith or have been saved for decades.

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Words of a King (The Perfect Lamb, pt 1)

God’s Word is law in the realm of the spirit, which is why the Bible tells us we need to speak that Word. In this message Pastor Duane reminds us that if we want to see results for things that we are believing God to do – such as healing, restoration of relationships, or financial freedom – we must release our faith, and the authority that we have through the name of Jesus, by speaking the Word.

Click Here to download this message.
Or find our podcast by searching ‘Walking by Faith’ in iTunes or Google Podcast.

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