Hearing God's Voice

Here & Now (Hearing God’s Voice pt 3)

The Gospel that Jesus preached was not a Gospel to just get you to heaven. As a believer today, we are to seek first the kingdom of God, we are to expand the kingdom of God, and we are to enforce the kingdom of God. In this message Pastor Duane shows us from scripture the role we are to play in the Kingdom of God. Not the one that is to come, but the one that we are apart of right now.

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That Still Small Voice (Hearing God’s Voice pt 2)

The Bible tells us in 1 Thessalonians 5:23 that we are more than just a body – we also have a spirit and a soul. Because God is a Spirit and we are a spirit, when God communicates with us, He communicates Spirit to spirit. In this message Pastor Duane teaches us how to hear ‘That Still Small Voice’ when life is easy, and when it’s difficult.

Click Here to download this message.
Or find us on Google Podcasts and iTunes by searching ‘Walking by Faith’.

Obeying the Spirit (Hearing God’s Voice pt 1)

When the Holy Spirit speaks to us and we obey, we can hear his voice more and more clearly. In this first message from the series Hearing God’s Voice Pastor Duane gives examples from the Bible and from his own life of times God has spoken and the importance of listening and obeying.

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