Happily Ever After

Broken-Hearted (Happily Ever After pt 2)

Having a wounded or broken heart will affect your relationships, whether it’s a marriage relationship, a friend or family relationship. Time will not heal a broken heart, but Jesus can. In part two of Happily Ever After Pastors Duane and Jeanie walk you through what happens when you have been hurt by a broken home, divorce, rejection, abandonment, broken promises, you were cast aside, you were forgotten, or unrealized expectations and how these things affect your relationships. They will show you how to allow Jesus to heal that hurt and give you the opportunity to be a whole vessel again.

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Benefits to Marriage (Happily Ever After pt1)

In the first message from the three part Happily Ever After series Pastor Duane and Jeanie help you to understand what the top needs of a man and the top needs of a woman are in a relationship, and why they are important in maintaining a healthy marriage.

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