Wise Up

United Wisdom (Wise Up pt 2)

In part two of the Wise Up series Pastors Duane and Jeanie team up to discuss the importance of seeking wise counsel, whether it be listening to your spouse, or to a trusted friend. Some decisions need to be made with the help of others.

Click Here to download this program.

True Wisdom (Wise Up pt 1)

We have all made decisions – big or small – that we have come to regret later. God wants to help us to make right choices, and in order to do that we need to understand the Word of God, because the Bible is the will of God. In this message Pastor Duane teaches how to understand the Word and apply it to our situations.

Click Here to download this program.https://walkingbyfaith.tv/wp-admin/media-upload.php?post_id=6961&type=image&TB_iframe=1