Royal Priesthood

Duane Vander Klok

“But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His wonderful light.”
1 Peter 2:9

Have you ever thought about yourself as a priest to the most high God? Have you ever thought that the only person that can be a priest is someone who went to a special school to be trained, who lives a perfect life, and teaches on Sunday mornings? What if I told you, however, that as a Believer in Jesus Christ, YOU are priests to the most High God?

You might see those words and think, ‘I can’t be a priest, I have a sinful past!’ or ‘I’m not ‘good enough’ to be a priest!’ Here’s the thing, there is an Enemy who is trying to convince every Believer that we are not ‘special’ enough, ‘holy’ enough, or ‘trained’ and ‘good’ enough to carry the title of ‘priests.’ The truth is, however, it’s not the qualifications and the training that makes you a priest, it’s the call and the completed work of Jesus Christ who has called you to be a light to the world.

You see, it’s not about what you have done, but what the blood of Jesus has already done. Being a priest is the ability to say, ‘Despite my past, my sin, and my failures, God saved me and called me be an agent of hope, truth, and love. I am called to be a light to the world and to tell my story of how He redeemed me from darkness.’ Being a ‘priest’ is about living for Jesus every single day, bringing the presence of God into everything that we do, and being a living example to the world around us.

This week, let’s take the opportunity to be priests and lights to the world around us, and give thanks to Jesus for His perfect work on the Cross.

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