Words to Live By

Death and life are in the power of the tongue, And those who love it will eat its fruit.
Proverbs 18:21

When the Israelites were getting ready to fight for the Promised Land, God told Joshua to be strong and have courage because there was uncertainty before him. The Promised Land represents a victorious Christian life and, like the Israelites, you will have to fight for it with weapons of praise, faith, and your words.

When they saw that it would take faith to conquer the land, two million Israelites lost hope. Only two – Joshua and Caleb – believed that God would deliver them into the Promised Land just like He had promised. The two million said it would be better to die in the desert than fight, but Joshua and Caleb continued to speak of God’s promise to deliver them. In the end, the two million received what they spoke about – they wandered in the desert until the last of their generation had passed away. Joshua and Caleb were the only two of that generation to enter the Promised Land!

The problem was that the Israelites did not realize the power of their words. Your tongue is like a sword that can either cause damage in your life and to those around you, or it can be used to fight off the enemy’s attacks on your life. However, if you don’t remember that you have a weapon, you will not remember to use it, how to use it, or you may not use it properly.

Take care: your tongue, like a sword, can be damaging whether or not you mean it to cause damage. Do not become too familiar with this weapon that you forget the power it wields. Like the Israelities in the desert, your words will follow what is in your heart, so fill your heart and mouth with the Word and promises of God, and you will see how He is working in your life!

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