Live By Faith
Duane Vander Klok
The just shall live by faith. – Romans 1:17
Did you know that the phrase, “The just shall live by faith” actually appears in the Bible four times, once in the Old Testament and three times in the New Testament? It is that important!
Many people think that having faith is a one-time decision, but it is not. It is a way of life. Just like a weightlifter builds strength by pushing against resistance, our faith grows as we stand against the pressures we face in life. The enemy’s attacks are designed to destroy us, but each time we resist him in Jesus’ name, we develop spiritual strength.
Jesus explained in Mark 4 that the kingdom of God is like a farmer sowing seed. The seed is the Word of God, but some of it falls on rocky ground, some is choked by weeds, and some is stolen before it can even develop roots. In our lives, the enemy tries to steal God’s promises from our hearts before they can produce God’s good results.
The Bible tells us in 2 Corinthians 4:4 that Satan is the god of this age, influencing the way people think and live. However, Ephesians 6 reminds us that our battle is not against flesh and blood, but against spiritual forces. We must use God’s Word as our weapon, instead of passively accepting whatever comes our way.
When the devil tempted Jesus, He responded with Scripture saying, “It is written.” (Matthew 4:4). That is how we need to resist, too — by speaking God’s truth over our circumstances. The enemy wants to bring sickness, fear, and turmoil, but we find and declare what God declares in His Word. We refuse to be passive.
At all times, stand firm, speak the Word, and resist the enemy. Victory is already won in Christ – live by faith!