Led By the Spirit

Duane Vander Klok

For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God.
Romans 8:14

The Bible tells us that we are made of three parts – body, soul, and spirit. Think of it this way: you live in a body, you have a soul (mind, will, and emotions), and you are a spirit. The real you is not your body or your mind, but your spirit! Now, when you accept Jesus as your Savior, your spirit gets saved, but your body and soul do not. Your body still experiences all the same temptations, and you have to allow the Holy Spirit to renew your mind daily.

Like God, the real you is a spirit. So when you are hearing God’s voice, He is speaking to your spirit. Most often, God will lead us through His Word. When you renew your mind with the Word of God, you begin to know and recognize the will of God in your life. Every word, direction, and picture that you receive from God will line up with scripture – He will never contradict His Word.

We are also led through the desires and peace that God places in our hearts. He is faithful to place desires in your heart that use your gifts and talents to build His Kingdom here on earth.

The devil tries to counterfeit many of God’s gifts, but he can never reproduce the peace of God. Collosians 3:15 says, And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to which also you were called in one body; and be thankful. As you pray for direction, pay attention to the peace in your heart and know that God is always with you!

Through His Word, we are given direction and purpose for our lives. We are called to love God, love others, and share the good news! And as we begin to walk in that calling, it becomes easier to hear the direction that God is pointing you to. Ask God for continued guidance as you live out His purpose for your life!

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