Led By Delight

Duane Vander Klok

Delight yourself also in the LORD, and He shall give you the desires of your heart.
Psalm 37:4

The Bible tells us that our choices lead us into life or death, and they bring blessing or cursing. So how can you make good and godly decisions? As you grow in your relationship with God, you can learn to follow His direction.

Often God will direct you by putting desires in your heart. Now, this may seem counterintuitive to the world. Your flesh may tell you that you have to want what you want and think only for yourself. But God created you, don’t you think He knows what He created you to do? He designed you to do something great, so He gives you the desires and ability to do it!

But how do you know which desires are from God? Sometimes you have desires in your heart that are not from God, but the Bible tells us to seek first the Kingdom of God and all these things will be added to you, Matthew 6:33. When you delight in Him alone, you can be led by His Word and the Holy Spirit rather than the distractions of the world.

And remember to trust in Him! It is easier to see a mile down the road and know where you are going, but God often only asks you to take one step at a time. Trust Him with each step, and know that He will give you the grace to be content in every situation He leads you to.

See, you are able to make wiser decisions as you follow desires God has put in your heart with the peace and direction of the Holy Spirit. When you follow God’s lead, you won’t be following culture, convenience, or comfort. Choose to be led by the Word and Spirit of God!

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