Jars of Miracles

Duane Vander Klok

In 2 Kings 4:1-7, we read about a widow who was left with nothing but debt to her name. When she cried to Elisha the Prophet for help, he instructed her to borrow as many jars from her neighbors as she could find, go into her house, shut the door, and pour the little oil she had left into the jars. She followed his directions and began filling the jars. The oil kept flowing and flowing into the many jars she had collected even though she started with so little. When she ran out of empty jars, the oil stopped flowing, and Elisha said to her: “Go, sell the oil and pay your debts, and you and your sons can live on the rest.”

Miracles begin with what you already have in your hand. The widow had almost nothing—only a small amount of oil—yet God used it to create a miracle and transform her life. When you open your hands and let God work with what you have, He can use it in miraculous ways!

Notice how the size of the widow’s miracle was determined by the size of her faith. If she had only collected half as many jars, she would have only received half as much oil from God. But her faith and obedience allowed her to pay her debts and live with her sons on the profits of the oil! We serve a God who wants to bless you with miracles that are beyond anything you could ask or imagine; have faith in His promises.

Don’t forget to give God thanks and praise in the process! If you’re not thankful for what God has already given you, you won’t be thankful for what He will give you. He is your provider, protector, strengthener, and Father. And remember that the best miracles often take time. As a believer, you will need endurance. Do not stay passively patient as you wait, but push ahead—seek God with a thankful heart as you see Him move!

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