Focal Point

Duane Vander Klok

Your heart is like a garden. What you sow into your heart is what will grow out of it, and the things that we focus on are the seeds we sow and later reap in our lives. You can choose to focus on Godly things or things of this world and those seeds will grow in your heart—good or bad. The condition of your garden will determine the course of your life.

There are many seeds fighting for our focus and our heart from the news and entertainment to cultural systems and ideas. But only one kind of seed leads to God—His Word. Worldly seeds will produce harvests of greed, lust, depression, and hopelessness, but the Word brings us closer to Him. He fills our hearts with peace, wisdom, and overflowing love as we seek Him.

Joshua 1:8 NIV says, “Keep this Book of the Law always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful.” Notice that God says we are to meditate on His Word. He is not asking us to empty our mind to find Him like the world might suggest, but to fill our mind with His Word. Keep sowing the Word into your heart, water it daily, and reap a harvest of peace, wisdom, and love as it overflows into your life.

As believers, our lives are meant to reflect God and His will, not the world. We are called to be the light to the world. As we sow His Word into our hearts, it will change the way we think, how we see ourselves, and what we expect to happen. We will begin to see what God sees instead of seeing only as the world does.

God so often speaks to us through His Word. He gives us vision for our lives; He shows us who we are in Christ, what was given to us, and where we are going. The seeds you plant in your heart will determine the course of your life. Focus on Him with all of your heart and you will reap a harvest full of His love.

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