Finding Peace

Duane Vander Klok

“For He Himself is our peace…” Ephesians 2:14

When was the last time you felt at ‘peace’? How do you define ‘peace’ in the first place? Is it based on a ‘feeling’ or an ‘emotion’ stemming from the absence of a struggle? What if I told you that true ‘peace’ isn’t an emotional response or mere ‘feeling’ based on the absence of trouble, struggle, and pain? Even more, what if I told you that you could be in a storm, worse than any you have faced before, but still have peace? You see ‘peace’ at its root isn’t the absence of something, instead, it’s the presence of someone: God.

There is an Enemy that is doing everything in his power to kill, steal, and destroy your peace, your joy, and even more your relationship with God. You see, true peace comes from living in the presence and right relationship with God. As Paul wrote to the Ephesians, the Philippians, the Colossians, and to Philemon, he was in prison. Yet despite his circumstances, he encourages believers by saying, “Rejoice in the Lord always. Again I will say, rejoice!” (Philippians 4:40, NKJV)

You see, we are not called to put on a fake smile and force happiness through our teeth. Instead, when we live in right relationship with God, we have the freedom to confess our struggles, confess our situation, put it under the dominion and authority of God, and know that He has heard our cry! We can have confidence that He is with us, He is for us, and He will give us peace.

This week, let’s turn back to God with all that we think, say, and do. Let’s break down the barriers that separate us from Him, and ask for His presence and peace over our lives.