Embracing Spiritual Gifts

Duane Vander Klok

“Earnestly desire the best gifts….” 1 Corinthians 12:31

When you think of the gifts of the Holy Spirit, you might picture something distant or perhaps something only for a few specially qualified people. But the Bible calls every believer to desire these gifts. In fact, the Apostle Paul said we should “earnestly desire” them and he encouraged us to approach the gifts of the Spirit with passion and a sense of purpose. The gifts are not meant to be a show—they are meant to be an outpouring of God’s love to others through us.

The early church was a powerful example of this. They didn’t just receive the gifts; they stewarded and administered them. The Holy Spirit’s power wasn’t something they turned on and off, it flowed like a river. We also are invited to lean into the Spirit’s flow, learning how to handle spiritual gifts with wisdom, humility, and a sense of God’s purpose.

If we choose not to cultivate the gifts, the Spirit’s river will move on to those who are willing to serve others in faith. However, as we trust the Holy Spirit, both in ourselves and others, God can use us in amazing ways. As Proverbs 11:25 reminds us, “The generous soul will be made rich, and he who waters will also be watered himself.” When we allow the Spirit to work through us, we become vessels of God’s love. Not only that, but when we refresh others, we also are refreshed.

The gifts of the Spirit are not like human abilities. They are a means for others in our spheres of influence to encounter the love of God. As we embrace the Spirit’s gifts, a way is made for others to experience His kindness, care and power in real ways. This is God’s love in action.

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