September 1, 2016
If you were to ask several Christians what faith is, you would probably hear responses like trust, confidence, assurance, or belief. All of these are true, but according to the Bible, there is more to faith than those words convey. […]
July 1, 2016
It may be true that nobody likes a wise guy. However, being a person who walks in wisdom is an entirely different matter! Every one of us needs God’s wisdom so we can make good decisions and avoid the painful […]
May 1, 2016
You might not have realized it, but you have a destiny. It is God’s unique purpose, His special plan for your life, and it is tailored just for you. If you want to fulfill your God-given destiny, you will need […]
April 3, 2016
I believe that one of evangelical Christianity’s biggest mistakes is that we have made salvation postmortem. By that, I mean that many Christians today, if asked why they got saved, would respond, “So I can go to heaven when I […]
March 20, 2016
Are you as excited as I am? I believe we are living in the most exciting time in history! God is moving by His Spirit across the earth and we are most certainly growing closer to the return of Jesus […]
March 1, 2016
Are you rich? When asked that question, many people see dollar signs or take a quick inventory of the “stuff” they have accumulated. What comes to your mind? Do you think of cars, homes, jewelry, your savings account or a […]
January 1, 2016
Many people miss out on receiving the blessings God has planned for them simply because they do not put Him first. How about you? What – or who – is first in your life? “Firsts” are important to God. Remember, […]
November 1, 2015
If you attended Sunday School as a child, you may remember singing, “This little light of mine, I’m gonna let it shine.” It may seem like a cute children’s song, but it actually offers a simple theology that should challenge […]
September 1, 2015
Everyone faces problems in life. If you do not deal with them right away, even small problems can grow into giants with the potential to rule over you. They may not look as menacing as physical giants, but they are […]
July 1, 2015
Everyone has faith. You have faith that the lights will come on when you flick the switch, and when you turn the door knob, you have faith that the door is going to open. Christians and non-Christians alike have that […]