Breaking Soul Ties
Duane Vander Klok
If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. 1 John 1:9
As believers, we know that we are not just made up of our physical bodies, but also of spirit. There is a part of us that transcends the physical matter of this world, and connects with God at a spiritual level. When we die it is not our physical bodies, but it is our spiritual bodies that go to Heaven until the Resurrection.
Yet the enemy wants to hold our spirit down. He is doing everything in his power to hold us down from living in a redeemed relationship with God the Father. There are ‘soul ties’ that hold us back from living the life that God meant for us to live. All of us have these ‘soul ties’ and some of them are great and from God, and others are not. They can be from relationships or events that happened many years ago, but they are still holding you back from living in God’s perfect plan.
There is hope. There is a chance to break away from the things that keep you apart from God’s perfect plan for your life. There is a process, and God is in the process! Jesus is waiting for us to ask, ‘what are the things separating me from your perfect plan and your presence in my life?’ And then once we identify the negative ‘soul ties,’ He is calling for us to cut them off. Sometimes this is a verbal confession and commitment to stop, and other times is a physical separation. Whatever it may be, there is hope!
This week, let’s ask for God to reveal any of the negative ‘soul ties’ in our lives that are holding us back from Him. Let’s then turn away from those things, and begin the journey to redemption and life with Him.