Believing & Speaking

Duane Vander Klok

It is written: “I believed; therefore I have spoken.” Since we have that same spirit of faith, we also believe and therefore speak.” 2 Corinthians 4:13

Scripture tells us that we, as Believers, have the same spirit, the same power, and the same potential as Jesus Christ within us through His Holy Spirit. It is the Spirit of Faith that lives within all Believers. What this means is that the faith that David, Samson, Daniel, Peter, and Paul had, you and I have the very same.

There are two parts to the Spirit of Faith. There is a believing part, and there is also a speaking part. You cannot have one part without the other. Scripture calls all Believers to speak, or proclaim with confidence and authority, the good news of Jesus Christ. Yet so often, some of us make Jesus our Lord and Savior and then stop there. Yet, even Jesus told His disciples that we will do works even greater than the ones that they were witnessing. The problem is, nothing will happen if we do not proclaim the words, the promises, and the truths of God to every situation in front of us.

We are called to say what God says about us. We are called to talk about our situation the way that God talks. We are supposed to speak in agreement with what God says. The best way to align ourselves with what He is speaking is through prayer, worship, and reading His Word. When we read His word, meditate upon it, and ask His Spirit to reveal and speak to us, He does! When you reach out to Him, He will always be faithful to reach back. Through that, our faith grows, and we find our voice in Him.

This week, let’s nourish the Spirit of Faith that is within us, and further begin to speak out His truths and promises over all situations we may face.

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