Be Transformed!

Duane Vander Klok

And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.
Romans 12:2

As you know, we live in a hyper-sexualized culture that can make it difficult to continue honoring God in our sexuality. Culture has offered us a corrupt idol instead of God’s gift of intimacy and honor. But as believers, we can provide an example of living in freedom with God rather than in the bondage of sin!

God is calling us to something more than what culture has to offer. We are told that sex is casual, but God says it’s sacred. We are encouraged to be ashamed or arrogant about our past, but God says you are righteous and redeemed! So, how can we overcome the world’s message with God’s original design? The Bible tells us to be transformed by the renewing of our minds. The Holy Spirit helps us renew our minds when we continue to sow God’s Word into our hearts. When we plant the seed, He can begin to renew those broken areas.

Romans 3:23 says, for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God… Everyone of us needs grace in an area of our lives. Understand that Jesus died and rose again to offer relationship and righteousness to each one of us! He provides a way out the cyclical bondage of sin and hurt. God is not only calling us to align our actions with His Word, but our hearts too. As believers, we can exemplify true and close fellowship with God here on earth.

If you are feeling trapped in sin or pain from your past, do not continue on alone! Reach out to Jesus and to other believers who can help you through. Jesus has paid the price for all sins – you do not have to bear pain, guilt, or shame alone. You have access to the Holy Spirit as a counselor, comforter, and guide as well as the support of other believers who have fought and won the same battles you are facing. Step out and invite God into your situation.

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