Battle Lines: Faith vs Fear

Duane Vander Klok

“Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.” Hebrews 11:1

As Believers, we are called to place our faith in God. This means that our confidence and assurance is not on earthly things, but instead on everything He has done, is doing, and continues to do. Jesus even tells His disciples that if they have faith as small as a mustard seed, then nothing is impossible. He goes as far to say that we could command a mountain to move aside and it would be cast into the sea. When we put all of our confidence and trust in God and His Kingdom’s purpose, everything we do becomes super charged!

Yet while God is calling us to have faith, the Enemy is using a different approach: fear. The Enemy is doing everything that he can to bind us with a spirit of fear and break our confidence with questions like, “what if God isn’t really with me,” “what if I am wrong,” or “what if things go wrong?” Fear holds us back from our true potential and maximum impact in the Kingdom.

The truth is that fear is a liar. Scripture tells us that not even the gates of Hell will prevail against Jesus Christ. Think about that for a moment, gates aren’t offensive. They have a purpose: to keep things on the outside from getting in, and to keep things on the inside from getting out. The gates of fear try to keep Jesus out and try to hold us back from what God has called us to do. When we confess our fear, God isn’t surprised or taken aback. Instead, He sends His Holy Spirit to partner with us, walk with us, and help build our confidence to climb over the gates and bring glory to Him.

This week, let’s confess our fears to Him, and ask for the Holy Spirit to partner with us, guide us, and help build our confidence and faith in Him.

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