
Duane Vander Klok

“The Lord God made garments of skin for Adam and his wife and clothed them.” Genesis 3:21

Throughout Scripture, there is a Scarlet line that runs from the beginning of time to the end of this present age. This consistent thread began when Adam and Eve first sinned in Genesis, through the Gospels, and into the final days recorded in the book of Revelation. When Adam and Eve sinned, this Scarlet line began. God fashioned clothes out of animal skin, and in order to do this, He needed to sacrifice an animal. By doing this, He was able to cover them with one of the basic physical necessities to survive: clothing. This baseline of physical protection first required the blood of a sacrifice to be shed.

Throughout the Old Testament, the people of Israel also sacrificed animals as an atonement for their sins. Again, it would take the blood of this sacrifice to provide a baseline necessity for spiritual survival. Yet this blood ‘covering’ would wear out, and they would have to continue to return to the tabernacle and offer more sacrifices. It’s not until Jesus comes in the Gospels, that this repetition could cease. You see, He came as the spotless, blameless, and perfect lamb of God. It’s through His blood and sacrifice that our redemption, restoration, and relationship with God is restored.

It’s through Jesus that we are able to return to a greater relationship with God. This relationship had not been seen since the Garden of Eden at the start of time, but now we get to be a part of it once again. There is a day coming, as outlined in the book of Revelation, where this Scarlet line will come to an end. It’s at this time that a New Heaven and New Earth will collide, and the Lamb of God will rule and reign over all creation.

This week, let’s give thanks for Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross so that we may be redeemed, restored, and live in greater relationship with Him into eternity.

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