About Walking By Faith

About Us

Walking By Faith is a broadcast ministry of Resurrection Life Church in Grandville, Michigan that presents Truth that changes lives with the practical, Biblical teaching of Duane Vander Klok. Every program gives viewers around the world the opportunity to receive salvation through Jesus and challenges believers to apply faith to everyday living as they grow in the likeness of Christ.

Jesus told His disciples: “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every person.” ~ Mark 16:15

These words are Walking By Faith’s motivation for ministry. We recognize and affirm that until everyone, everywhere, has heard the Gospel, the Great Commission remains our commission as followers of Jesus Christ.

Our Story

The first Walking By Faith broadcast was produced in 1995, but it began as a vision long before that. When Duane Vander Klok was still a missionary in Mexico, God spoke to him about impacting people with the Gospel through television. He envisioned reaching those who would never darken the door of a church because of past hurt, disappointment, rebellion—or because no church was available in their area.

While these people may not go to church, they do watch television, and many even watch Christian programming because, deep inside, they are hungry for God and the freedom found in a life with Christ. These are the very people God has called us to impact.

When we had our first broadcast in 1995, we were amazed to be able to reach around 1 million homes in Michigan. Today, Walking By Faith programs are reaching the churched and the un-churched in ever increasing numbers. Our potential viewing audience is estimated at over 6 billion through television and internet broadcasts.

The 10/40 Window is of particular interest to Walking By Faith. It is estimated that 95% of those who have never heard the Gospel live within this geographic region.  World Vision International reports that only about 1/4 percent (1.25%) of all Christian missions’ giving goes to evangelize inside this region. Walking By Faith is doing what we can to change these staggering statistics.

Pastor Duane Vander Klok

Duane Vander Klok, Ph.D., and his wife, Jeanie, are passionate about seeing people come into relationship with Jesus Christ and helping believers grow in their love and dedication to the Lord. They live to win people to the Lord and disciple them in the things of God.

Duane & Jeanie met while both were students at Christ for the Nations in Dallas, Texas. They were married in 1975 and ministered for several years in Mexico, teaching in a Bible school and establishing many churches there.

After returning to the United States, Pastor Duane became the Lead Pastor of a church now known as Resurrection Life Church in Grandville, Michigan. After more than 40 years of growth, the church averages 7,000 during three weekend services.

Pastor Duane hosts the Walking By Faith television program and travels in the United States and abroad sharing the Gospel and encouraging the body of Christ. He has authored Get the Junk Out of Your Trunk, Unleashing the Force of Favor and 21 Things the Devil Cannot Do, along with several mini-books.

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