A Faith-Filled Marriage

Duane Vander Klok

Though one may be overpowered by another, two can withstand him. And a threefold cord is not quickly broken.
Ecclesiastes 4:12

We are designed to have relationships not only with the people around us, but with our Heavenly Father. He is the Rock and Foundation on which all your relationships can be built and thrive. We know that God is our source and the only One who can fulfill us, but He gave us relationships and community here on earth in order to love, encourage, and edify each other in our faith.

The most intimate relationship that God designed you for is marriage. It is an opportunity to grow in love and pursue God alongside another follower of Jesus. Marriage is a wonderful gift, and out of it comes love, protection, encouragement, and even the blessing of children. But it was not designed for only two people – in order to experience its fullness, God must be included! He created it in the Garden of Eden to include Adam, Eve, and Himself; He should be the third strand that binds you together.

Unfortunately, our culture seems to see marriage as a way to get your needs met and nothing more. Marriage was not designed to fulfill you, but to bring you closer to God and help you understand His love in a deeper way. Just as Jesus laid down His life for you, marriage is a covenant to love your spouse as God loves you.

Many people have been taught by our culture to believe that if you can find “the one,” you will ride into the sunset and never face any problems in your relationship. But that is not the case! The bible tells us that we will face obstacles in marriage, but when you face them together with God, your relationship is built up in the Lord to be even stronger than before. Marriage is hard work, but you can choose to follow the example of Jesus and grow closer to God and your spouse throughout your relationship!

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